12 AM at the Beach/Poludnie na pláži
12 AM at the Beach Parasol made of straw is slowly swinging above my head, The wind tickles me all over my body while I stay hidden from the…
12 AM at the Beach Parasol made of straw is slowly swinging above my head, The wind tickles me all over my body while I stay hidden from the…
Autumn The one of four seasons is back again Coming shortly after summer before there’ll be another. The yellow leaves are falling, lying on the pavement of the park…
Through The Window of a Room Sitting on the carpet in the middle of the room, I look outside through the only portal, Peeking through the blinds To see the midnight…
Sleepwalking Though I’m not a sleepwalker I feel like today I might be one, Because this day I have begun Without energy and waking up.
Ako sa čo najefektívnejšie naučiť cudzí jazyk? Ako sa čo najefektívnejšie učiť? Ako zmeniť svoj život k lepšiemu? V tomto pomerne rozsiahlom príspevku budem dopodrobna rozoberať schopnosť, ktorá je v dnešnom…
Healing Cutting long story short We all know That you’ve been hurt to the core. However, deeply scared Is mainly your heart. Self-inflicted pain Is going to turn…
Voľnosť Neviem toho ešte dosť na to, aby som naisto povedala kým som. No konečne mám pocit, že mám času nazvyš. Aspoň dostatok času, aby som na to prišla,…