Author: Mgr. Lýdia Desiatniková, PhD.
The KNOWING MORE project of the SEEDS non-profit organization brings a series of lectures to Slovak primary and secondary schools. It provides interesting information on various topics directly to schools, during this period in the online mode, which does not reduce their quality and attractiveness.
The aim of the project is to bring new facts, arouse curiosity and desire to learn more and take care of what we have. The presentations combine knowledge from several areas, the lecturers are experts in individual fields, they bring a view of the world through the eyes of travellers, environmentalists, artists, economists and politicians.

Of the many topics on offer, we have shown interest in those that bring travel experiences from English-speaking countries that are intertwined with the history and the present. Our 2nd and 3rd year students took part in presentations about Scotland and the USA. The topics were presented in a funny, interesting and interactive way. The most active students were rewarded with small gifts. Teachers even have the opportunity to suggest other topics, which are then included in the offer upon request. The project presentations met with great interest. Here are some of our students‘ reactions:
I’d like to sincerely thank the presenter for showcasing us a presentation about the United States of America. The presenter did a brilliant job of presenting as well as sharing her own experiences which she gained during her stay in the United States. I appreciated how the presenter included us in the discussion by asking us questions about America. To get us, the students to do something, was an ingenious idea.
In terms of the presentation itself. It was up to date, it contained visuales and key information. It wasn’t just a jumble of words crammed onto a single slide, it was scaled and dispersed appropriately. In one section, there was a quiz with, in my opinion, interesting facts. We were able to freely ask questions about America near the end of the presentation. The presenter shared her experiences with us, as well as extra information about travel destinations and aspects to watch out for (e.g. criminal activity, sales tax, tipping, etc.)
Would I recommend it to someone? Yes, definitely. It was a fun way to learn about American culture, destinations, habits and much more.
(B. Bálint, II.D)

First of all, we would like thank the presenters for the effort because we know that being creative and making presentations online is really hard task to do. All of us enjoyed the presentation about Scotland because it was atypical filled with many interesting facts. We discovered a lot of new things about kilts, food, nature and also traditions of people of Scotland.

The presentation was very interactive one and we also got the opportunity to express our guesses and opinions. We gained a lot of information we can use in the future and we are pleased that we were able to spend such an amazing time with interesting people even if it was only via Zoom. The presentation was done in a very catchy and interactive way and we weren´t bored at all. The presenter and all of the people were really sweet and explained everything properly. In our opinion, it was incredible that we could experience Scotland at least via the computer screen. Most of the time it was very funny and the presenter made many awesome jokes. We hope that we will get the opportunity to take part in other presentations especially in person because we can´t wait for similar atmosphere and very valuable knowledge.
(E. Kišková, S. Kmecová, III.D)