Noviny Obchodnej akadémie, Watsonova 61, Košice
Dnes je utorok, 16. apríl 2024.    Meniny oslavuje Dana, Danica,  zajtra Rudolf.

Zajtra oslavujeme Medzinárodný deň študentstva. Poznajú však študenti (a nielen oni) dôvod, prečo sa tento deň vo svete pripomína ako sviatok študentov? Podľa mojich skúseností veľa študentov pôvod tohto sviatku nepozná. Zopár študentov si síce spomenie na 17. november 1989, ale na 17. november 1939, od ktorého sa odvíja tento sviatok, si nespomenie takmer nikto. Pripomeňme si teda, čo sa stalo pred 84 rokmi.

Čítať ďalej

Mgr. Lýdia Desiatniková, PhD.

On October 17, 2023, our students of the bilingual section attended a very engaging lecture by a guest from the Department of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik, assistant professor Mgr. Július Rozenfeld, PhD, who shared interesting and inspiring experiences from his one-year scholarship stay in the USA with our students in a very ineresting and interactive way.

Our students had the opportunity to virtually visit many places and cities across the entire United States of America, and they also practically tried completing a blind map of the USA. The second part of the lecture was devoted to familiarization with the possibilities of passing the internationally recognized TOEFL English language test.


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